Cards,Books, and Gaming

I made a couple more cards this weekend. My favourite is the one on the left (the little frenchie dog). I’m sending that one to my future inlaws for a Valentine’s card. They have a little frenchie and it looks so similar to the one on the card. I bought the stamp for this reason and I love how great it worked. It was another of my Aliexpress purchases. The one of the right was made with cutting dies, also from Aliexpress.

I finished a book I really liked, by Samantha Irby (I wanted to hear more about pooping in a blizzard). I enjoyed reading her work and want to read her other books, she’s a funny lady.

I got an old playstation on the classified adds and I’ve been binge playing it off and on since the holidays. I ended up buying three consoles. The first two I bought from a gaming store and had to return them twice. Both consoles didn’t work! The shop owner refunded me and I got one through the classifieds. This one worked (YAY)!

I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance. I want to get my hands on Dark Alliance II, it’s my favourite game and I can’t find it anywhere (unless I want it for $80 or more which I might actually pay one day, but not right now) and Scooby Doo Night of 1000 Frights. Now that I’m old (haha) I get nauseous if I play games too long and my butt gets numb. I’m sitting on a Bosu Ball while I play. If you don’t know what that is, it’s exercise equipment. I’m sitting on my butt playing video games on exercise equipment. I realize how laughable that is. It’s been fun.

Boreal Forest Tea Unboxing and Tasting October 2020

I’ve read tea is loaded with pesticides (I’ll post the article here), so I’m searching for alternatives. I found Boreal Forest Tea, with its wild harvested and organic ingredients. I’m hoping it’s a safer alternative. It’s a Canadian company, located in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Each bag of tea was $16.00 and shipping was $16.00.

The tea is on the pricy side, but really good and there is a lot of tea in the bags. The package also came with a sample of cranberry mint to try. My favourite is the Evergreen. It says caffeine free on the website and packaging, but this is likely a mistake, since it’s green tea. I even called the store, and they said it shouldn’t say caffeine free. So be aware of that. I have ordered 40 Below and Evergreen from this company before. I’ll definitely be ordering from them again. They had lots of other flavours to try, but most of them contained chamomile, and of that I am not a fan. I plan to keep my cupboard stocked with Evergreen and 40 Below. I did like the other two flavours as well, but these were my favourites.

Below, I’ll post a video of the tea unboxing, if you want to see it.

Wildwood and Surprises In The Mail October 12/2020

It was such a beautiful weekend! The sun was shinning and the weather was beautiful. I went hiking through the woods at Wildwood Conservation Area. It’s such a pretty walk there. The trail does a loop to make it 24km long. I only went 10km this time. I love walking here.

There’s lots of interesting things to see and the trails are easy to walk on.

To make the weekend even more wonderful, this unexpected package was waiting for me in my mail box. It was from my friend in England. She sent me this adorable hot water bottle.

How perfect for the weather! I’m always cold, this is going to so helpful. I have the sweetest friends ❤

October 9/2020 Rude Cards! (warning swear words)

I made a rude card, and I love it. It was simple to make and I love love love the stamp. I bought this card with my best bud in mind. She loves cats and has the type of sense of humor this stamp was made for (this is the same recipient of the cat butthole card). The above video is me putting it together. I’ll post the finished result below.

I might colour in the woman and the cat if I make the card again. Right now I’m loving it the way it is.

Mail, Fish, and the Blues

This week has been filled with beautiful cool weather and sunshine. And I… have not felt like going outside. It must be the times we’re living in, as I seem to have the blues, and lack of drive. I always love this time of year, and an energy boost always came with the cooler weather, but not this year. I have not felt like going outside at all, lately. I just want to sit in my chair and watch YouTube. I’m really not sure how to pull myself out of this funk. I know being outside and some exercise will lift my mood, but I can’t seem to make myself do it.

These cutting dies and stamps came in the mail this week, along with a letter from a lovely friend. It will be time for Halloween things soon, this came at a perfect time.

I made it out to visit family this weekend and they took me to see the salmon run (I’ll post a quick video at the end). I’ve never seen the salmon run before. It was really enthralling to see tons of huge fish, swimming up the stream, but also sad because they were there to spawn and die. Some of them looked so healthy and vibrant, that I hoped they made it through to live for years; a lot of the others looked like zombie fish.

Mail and Crafting Sept 9/2020

Two packages came in the mail today.

The smaller package contained these cutting dies. They were much smaller than I had expected.

The bigger package had these HUGE cutting dies.

They were bigger than my hand! I wasn’t expecting them to be this big. I’ll be able to do a lot of different things with them.

I didn’t use the new dies today, instead I used these sweater dies, to make a card.

The card is a little plain. I should have staggered the words more unevenly and used a less bright ink colour.

For the second card, I used a baking themed stamp and die set. I really love this set, but I don’t love the card I made. I’m not sure how to use this set in a better way. The set is perfect for gifting baked good.

A Week Of Mail, And Wine

This week I got some crafting supplies in the mail.

These two embossing folders came. I love plants and grow many of them in my home. They couldn’t be more perfect for me (especially since my favourite plant is a monstera deliciosa, which is the leaf on the right).

I love these sweater cutting dies. When I look at them I hear a line from a Lana Del Ray song “You fit me better than my favourite sweater”, which would make a perfect sentiment for a card with these dies.

These rain drop embellishments came. They are bigger than I thought they were. I hope I can make them work. There is a very slight difference in colour.

I ordered this double sided adhesive to see if it was a better deal then going to your local dollar store, but really I think you might as well go to the dollar store. The adhesive isn’t would tight and I don’t think there is as much of it. I’ll go to the dollar store for it.

As for the wine, I bottled a batch of Merlot at the wine shop, last Wednesday. It made 30 bottles. We drink a lot of wine at our home, so I ordered a batch of a blend of Gewurztraminer and Riesling. I’ve never made wine with Gewurztraminer before. I hope I like it.

Amazon and Outgoing Mail August 31/2020

I had a bunch of letters to mail this morning, that I finished last night. I don’t think any of them contained any cards. I don’t always send cards, usually just a letter. I love hearing from friends through letters, or in person. It’s just not the same through text messages, or phone calls (I would prefer to never to talk on the phone, which is strange because that’s how I happily spend large chunks of my younger years).

I mistakenly used my work address for my Amazon shipment and the delivery agent left it outside a locked office door in a big commercial building! On a Saturday. I was not happy at all. Luckily someone went to the office the same day it was delivered and took it inside for me. I was so happy it was there waiting for me this morning. Amazon did say they would refund me if it wasn’t there today, so they are really good about it. I’m happy to say it wasn’t an issue and I got my parcel.

I got some double sided adhesive sheets and these punches. The adhesive sheets are for die cutting and the punches for shaker cards, or general craft purposes.

I need another vacation so I have time to play with all these things.

Book Mail, Cards, and Vacation

This came in the mail awhile ago, from a gracious friend and talented writer, Shannon (you can find more about her here). I finished the book I was currently reading (The Escapist, by Gabriel Filippe and it was SO GOOD) when she sent this one . I like to read every night before I go to bed. I usually only manage to read a couple pages before I get too sleepy, so it takes me a really long time to finish a book. I’ve never read this author before and I’m looking forward to it.

I made a couple cards while I was on vacation as well. I like the minimalist aspect of them. I only added sequins to the one because I got some ink smudges on it, otherwise I would have left it as is. I don’t care for the pink ink as much as I prefer the dark ink, for the Thank You sentiment.

As for my vacation, I went to a cottage on Lake Huron. It was on an island and the water was so clear and beautiful. One of the highlights of my vacation was snorkling. I saw lots of little bottom fish they told me were called gobis. They were really cute, but apparently invasive. They reminded me of mud skippers, but the lake bed was all rock. I saw lots of little shells, I think they were zebra mussels (also invasive). The company was lovely and the water was beautiful. I made it up to visit my folks as well. I’m always a little nervous to visit them during these difficult times, COVID is still a big threat here in Canada. There has been rain the last few days, so I’ve had some time to play with my newest craft supplies.

As for OMAD, I’ll be restarting that tomorrow. I had lost three pounds, but I’ve since gained it all back. I ate like a fiend during this vacation.

August 2020 Paper Pumpkin

This months Paper Pumpkin came. It’s $34.00 a month Canadian including shipping.

When I opened the box I thought it was going to be Fall themed. The pumpkin flyer threw me off.

It was sports themed… It wasn’t my favourite box from Paper Pumkin, but I’m sure lots of people were happy with it. I’m one of those “Goooo Sports!” people, which means I have zero interest in sports.

This is what the cards looked like when they were completed. There was supposed to be three of each one.

But this one… This was a nightmare. It took me four tries to make this one, and only two made it. It was my first time making a shaker card and I kept gluing things together wrong, tearing things, and having the little stars get stuck in the wrong spots. I am happy I managed to get two of them completed and I’m excited to make another shaker card. I’ve always wanted to try to make one and this kit showed me how. I feel confident I could make another one on my own.

These two cards were easy to make. The matching envelopes are really cute and made with good quality paper.

If I found sports more exciting, or knew people who liked them, I might have been happier about this box. I’m not sure who I will send these to. I will probably use most of them in the mini library. I’m still putting local gift cards in it every week with a card. Maybe they know a sports fan whom this would be relevant for.