Saturday Breakfast and Workout

Every Saturday, my spouse and I go to the Stone Town Cafe. We go every week, it’s a tradition we started back when our dog was still alive. The three of us would get egg and cheese sandwiches. The owner of the café always had a couple cookies for her, sometimes a few of the café regulars too. She was stuffed by the time we went home. I miss her a lot. She loved her Saturday morning treats.

We’ve kept with the tradition, and still go every Saturday. Lately, I’ve been having a lot of eggs at home and have wanted something different. I’ve been getting the Mediterranean wrap. It’s healthy with lots of veggies and light on the cheese. I get it with a coffee.

On the way home from breakfast, I went to Kitchen Smidgen for some sweet treats. They had one of my favourites, custard tarts. One for both of us and a meringue to split. One bite each lol. It’s probably lucky for me that the bakery is only open Fridays and Saturdays. I feel it’s okay to splurge on weekends.

Lunch I made an attempt at green curry without a recipe. It was okay. It had tofu, green curry paste, coconut milk, and veggies. I served it over brown rice. I did some weeding today and I just sat on my butt in the garden to do it. My thighs are still burning like crazy from the Start It Up workout I did two days ago. I’m making sounds when I sit down and stand. You know… huhhhhhhh what did I do to myself groany sounds… Every time I sit or stand. I did the Slim In 6 Ab workout. That’s all my legs would allow. I wanted to save the stretching video for tomorrow.

This was dinner this evening. Avocado and egg on a whole wheat bun, a piece of cheese. I’m still craving this non stop. No signs of getting sick of it anytime soon. I had a slice of pie this evening and a glass of red wine. I forgot to take a picture of the pie. It was strawberry rhubarb pie with a sugar crumble topping, homemade. I’m going to be splurging a little tomorrow too. Sunday is big breakfast day. Once it cools down a little I’d like to spend some more time outside. It’s still very hot here in Ontario.

Disclaimer. I am not a medical professional, nutritionist, or anyone with any business giving diet advice. This is my own personal journey. When it comes to yourself, seek the advice of a medical professional.

Sprouting Jars and Healthy Bowls

I retried my new sprouting lid and I love it! Alfalfa sprouts worked perfectly in there. The pictured jar is 1L and I used 1 tablespoon of alfalfa sprout seeds. I will only use 1/2 a tablespoon of seeds next, this made a lot. So far the jar has worked great, these seeds are around 5 days old (I can’t remember really). The seeds grow so fast! You can see the difference in size from morning to night. The seeds drained exactly how they were supposed to, they didn’t get gelatinous like the arugula seeds. So far the contents of the jar are fresh with no sign of rot. The arugula seeds sprouted on the paper towel degraded fast and quickly rotted. I had to toss most of the sprouts out. I won’t buy arugula seeds anymore because of that. I’m sure it was more to do with my sprouting methods, but it was a hassle and I like growing sprouts in the jar over the tray. Sprouts are so healthy and this jar makes it easy to have them on hand all the time. All I do is rinse and drain the jar twice a day. Another great kitchen gadget! Or would this be a house plant gadget? It checks both boxes.

I made a healthy dinner last night. On the bottom is a layer of steamed brown rice, then a layer of sprouts. I did the broccoli, , onion, mushrooms, and Gardein Beefless Tips in the air fryer. I flavoured it with a squeezed lemon, toasted sesame oil, and avocado oil. It was good, not delicious, just good. Like healthy food good. I made a lot so I am going to have the leftovers for dinner.

As per my usual, I had gained all the weight I had previously lost back, but this morning I was down three pounds. I’m 5’10 and now weighing 164lbs. It’s my goal to cross that barrier into the 150lbs range, in the past I gained the weight back before I could hit it. This time it’s going to happen for me. I did a 15 minute jog Monday night and hoping to do the same tonight, or hit the weights. I’ve been eating really healthy for the last two weeks (except Monday when I forgot my lunch and ended up having a snack bag of potato chips, and granola bites). Today I had the bean and feta Healthy Choice Power Bowl. I love them and eat them almost every lunch.

My spouse has been the one to motivate me to work out. If he says “Wanna work out with me?”, I go. It’s funny, but sometimes I just don’t think to go and do it. I expect that to change. Tonight, I’ll be the one to ask if he wants to work out with me.

OMAD Day 3 Aug 19/2020

Disclaimer. I am not a medical professional, nutritionist, or anyone with any business giving diet advice. This is my own personal journey. When it comes to yourself, seek the advice of a medical professional.

Day 3 of OMAD and I didn’t make it to dinner. I felt nauseated and dizzy just before 3pm today. I think it was from having a second cup of coffee on an empty stomach. I’m really caffeine sensitive and at the most can only handle two cups a day, any more and I get jittery and my face feels weird. I think two cups on an empty stomach was too much and I’m still getting used to fasting. My lovely colleague baked alfajores, so guess what I broke my fast early with… Cookies! Just one this time, better then yesterdays hoard.

I bought these crackers for a healthier option, in case I feel sick and dizzy again. I hope I don’t need them, but this way I wont get something worse. I had a container of blueberries on the way home. When I did get home, I had a couple cashews and a pickle.

I had the exact same thing for dinner I had yesterday, barley, chickpeas, avocado, and broccoli, with sesame ginger sauce on top. This time I put a big scoop of hummus on top. Right now I’m drinking my third Bubly and thinking about grabbing another pickle.

Does a giant snack before dinner still count as OMAD?

OMAD Day Two

Disclaimer. I am not a medical professional, nutritionist, or anyone with any business giving diet advice. This is my own personal journey. When it comes to yourself, seek the advice of a medical professional.

I made it another day doing OMAD (one meal a day). During the day wasn’t too bad. I was hungry a couple times and my stomach growled, but it went away. I was starving at the end of my day, even hungrier than yesterday. I had the biggest craving for Crispie Minis, the flavoured rice cake bites. I LOVE those things. I ate two bananas on the ride home, but I was still starving. I ate a couple handfuls of cashews and a cookie when I got home (only one today and that’s probably because there was only two left – one was for my spouse. If there was more I would have ate them).

For dinner I made a big Buddha bowl. I made pearl barley in the instant pot and cooked broccoli in the air fryer. I added half an avocado and some chickpeas. I topped the bowl with a sesame ginger sauce. I had it with a glass of coconut milk (the Silk brand carton style, not the can) and took a multivitamin and a spirulina capsule. I’m going to take a calcium supplement every other day. I think I heard taking calcium could be bad for you, but I don’t remember where, or if that is even true.

I finished most of the bowl, but the dog did get some of it. Dinner tomorrow should be super fast to make since I have lots of leftover barley. I’m going to make the exact same thing.